Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Self esteem crisis averted

It blows my mind but you actually get people who will only greet the people in a room that they deign to for whatever reason. One because her fashion is fabulous. One because she's lost 15 kilos. One because he is a 'higher up'. The rest... fodder for the machine and nothing else.

I had a moment of "maybe I should only drink shakes all day too! Then I will get thin fast and warrant a nod or a hello." I also had a moment of "maybe I should change my style and be more 'out there'."

But - what if I did? Do I really want that nod? That hello? In the context of where I am now yes, it might give me a boost. But in the grander scheme of life, my wonderful rich, full life that is about much more than silly validation from someone that I probably wouldn't spend time with even if I was skinny and out there, I think not. Whew! Self esteem crisis averted!

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