My favourite word is Serendipity. Oh, and Epiphany. However, this post is all about Serendipity. I stole the word Serenipaciousness from the movie Serendipity because it just works. Thank you John Cusack!
ser·en·dip·i·ty: an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
ser.en.dip.a.cious.ness: a series of serendipitous events that lead to an epiphany.
Oh, so maybe this is also a bit about Epiphany.
I love it when serendipaciousness happens.
This week I came to a realization, a little epiphanette.
e·piph·a·ny: A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
e.piph.a.nette: A sudden manifestation of a smaller epiphany that leads to serendipaciousness and eventually a fully fledged epiphany.
So, I had my epiphanette and without even thinking about it, many things started to fall into place. Little acts of serendipity. Little fortunate accidents. An email in my inbox that prompted a rather bratty response by me, and a wonderful authentic response to my bratty email that sparked a meeting of two very similar beings. Same star sign, menthol cigarettes and coffee addicts, spiritual minded and on the same journey of mind, body and spirit. This meeting led to an epiphany, but now that I think of it, it is more a subtle reaffirmation of something I have been pondering. Must find a suitable mouldable word for that.
This sounds very esoteric and mystical and it is. To me serendipity is not just a fortunate accident. It has more to do with being aware. Same with epiphanies. And subtle reaffirmations of ponderings. It is to do with being aware, being open and conscious of dreams. It has to do with acknowledging mistakes and the occasional meander down the wrong path and addressing them head on without blame or guilt, just with the knowledge of being a perfectly imperfect human being. Then the barriers start to come down. Defenses begin to crumble and serendepaciousness is allowed to flood in like golden warm sunlight on a freezing grey winter day like today and dance with epiphany.
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