Friday, July 18, 2008

A Sense of Connection

So, I let a complete stranger and her son into my house as they were in dire straits. It is the first time I have ever done anything like this and had to overcome all sorts of presumptions, fears and prejudices and take a big leap of faith.
When I heard her story and leanrt a little bit more about her than I previously knew, I was amazed at this awesome human being and at the paths that led to this point. While I am helping her with shelter for two weeks, she has opened my eyes and my heart and my mind and given me the gift of a sense of reconnection and community.
We have become so mistrustful in this country about strangers, with questions like "What does this person want of me?", "What are they going to take from me?", Or thoughts such as "Oh gosh! Another person begging for money.", "Another person that wants something from me", it is no wonder that there is chaos in our communities and distrust in our hearts. This distrust is so detrimental and full of fear. I only realized this when I was challenged to let it go. I had all the "what if" thoughts and I came to this conclusion, the only thing I stand to lose are material goods and those can be replaced. I only stand to lose two weeks of my normal routine. That routine can be regained. When I realized this and embraced this situation fully I felt me whole self relax and open up and since this whole thing came to be I have felt happy, light and connected.

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